"Brewing Premium Whitetail Genetics"

Breeder Bucks
"Brewing Big Bucks Year After Year"
Here at Shiner Premium Whitetails, we bring in the best producing, most marketable bucks we can locate and breed them to the most productive females we have. We use semen from both old and proven bucks to the latest and greatest bucks on the market to ensure a variety of desired traits in order to cater to anyone in the market.

Breeder Does
"Behind Every Buck Is A Great Doe"
Shiner Premium Whitetails is adamant on only breeding quality genetics with production-proven females. We AI to the most marketable bucks and only sell the most desirable offspring each year. We take pride in the health and quality of our does. By following a strict protocol for breeding quality genetics and safe health practices, we can guarantee the animal’s health is our top priority.

Contact Us!
We are located 4 miles outside of the Shiner city limits geographically placing us 1.5 hours from San Antonio and 2 hours from Houston via Interstate 10. We are welcome to scheduled pen tours and if time allows maybe you can go check out the brewery while in the area! We are always available to “talk deer” and enjoy sharing our experiences with others. We would love to talk with you about how we can help you reach your stocker quota or breeding production goals. Feel free to call or email using the contact information below!
Jared Boedeker
Work (361)401-7376
Cell (830) 857-3036
Dustin Petras
Cell (361) 401-0250
Physical Address:
1226 County Road 354, Shiner, TX 77984
Mailing Address
904 West 6th Street Shiner, TX 77984